今日年糕媽媽HANA與大家分享這個簡單地道的韓式大醬湯,不需豬肉或牛肉,也可以煲出一鍋熱辣辣又飽肚的大醬湯,連家裡的韓國歐爸都讚,喜歡韓餐的朋友可以試試呀,想湯再辣些也可以使用少許青陽辣椒。煲韓式大醬湯有些韓國人喜歡用鯷魚高湯,有些韓國人喜歡用米水,而年糕媽媽喜歡用米水煲,因為是容易準備到的材料而且煲出來又香濃。詳細教學可觀看以下的食譜影片,歡迎訂閱年糕媽媽的youtube飲食頻道[香港Hana故事]或follow我Facebook Today I am going to share with you how to make a simple home comfort food, Korean soybean paste stew, there are no meats added in this recipe apart from 1tsp of Korean fermented salted shrimp, you can leave it out if you don't like it. Some Korean people use anchovy stock to boil this stew, some Korean use rice water to boil this soybean paste stew. I like using rice water because is easy to prepare.